2008年11月26日 星期三



I. Introduction
A. Why many people research Eileen Chang.
B. Her novel is a mirror of the times.
C. Love in a Fallen City this book to representative she book role.
II. Thesis
A. Eileen Chang born in the system of enfeoffment-the father power
B. Exquisitely with the portray which and the time significance has an
unconventional idea has its readability in the human nature.
C. Love in a Fallen City tell about smell story ; when

III. Conclusion
IV. References
V. Appendix

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Chris' Wonderland 提到...

I. Introduction
A. phenomenon
B. Research questions
1. Why many people research Eileen Chang
2. Whether her novel is a mirror of the time
3. What aspects she discussed in Love in a Fallen City
II. Thesis
A. The background of Eileen Chang
1. What family she was born in (the father power system)
2. What historical background she was born in
3. What general literature works she wrote (unconventional ideas)
B. The aspects of Love in a Fallen City and modern society (Father and Brother Society)
1. Power
2. Relationship
3. Performance
C. Other critics on Love in a Fallen City
III. Conclusion
IV. References
V. Appendix